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Green Tea
Country of Origin: China
Region: Hunan
Shipping Port: Shanghai
Grade: Japan Sencha styla
Altitude:about 2500 feet above sea level
Manufacture Type: Pan fired
Cup Characteristics: The tea tends light liquoring, fresh and smooth with reasonable depth and body. The cherry flavoring and subtle rose hints give the tea a wonderful exotic character.
Infusion: Pale yellow green
Ingredients: Luxury green Sencha tea, Rose petals, Natural flavors
Caffeine Content: Low
Indulge in the sweet and exotic flavor of Balcony Blooms, a green tea that takes you on a journey to the heart of the French Quarter with every sip. This luxury sencha tea, infused with fresh rose petals and tangy cherry notes, blossoms into a smooth and refreshing drink that is perfect for any time of day.
Pyramid teabags are biodegradable. Each tea bag makes two cups.